Your First Visit with Your Primary Care Doctor

Once you have selected your Primary Care Physician and/or WPHCP, it is wise to establish a “Get Acquainted” visit. This allows you to provide valuable family health history to the doctor, and to identify areas that may be of concern to you.

TIP: Please make sure your HMO/Managed Care Identification Card is with you when you visit your doctor, and be aware that co-payment amounts vary by HMO plan and are payable at the time of the visit. Aside from co-pays and/or deductibles, RPA patients should never be billed for services received.

RPA physicians are experienced in providing preventive approaches to good health and can help you prepare a comprehensive plan for wellness. When you visit your RPA physician for the first time, you may wish to address these issues to begin a proactive approach toward good health.

These include:

  • Immunizations for your children
  • Medically indicated screenings
  • Establishing an Asthma Action Plan if you have a history of asthma
  • A mammogram and pap smear if you are a woman between 23 and 65 years of age
  • Prescription drugs and medications you are presently taking
  • Smoking Cessation
  • Weight Loss