Senior Health

RPA’s senior health professionals are specially trained in the care of adults over the age of 65. Our team of physicians, nurse practitioners, mental health, and social workers understand the physical, mental and emotional challenges of aging, and work with patients, family and caregivers to ensure the best of care and a higher quality of life.

Seniors present a unique set of common health care challenges. Commonly among them:

  • Blood Pressure Management
  • Diabetes Care and Monitoring
  • Memory Loss
  • Falls, Mobility and Imbalance
  • Medication Management
  • Mental and Emotional Health

Whether you are a healthy and active 65-year-old or caring for an elderly parent with complex medical issues, our team offers a comprehensive approach to support healthy aging. We offer primary care to help keep you well, and specialized care when needed for older adults with issues such as memory loss, falls, and emotional health concerns. The RPA Care Network ensures access to the best of senior care, whether in your local primary care doctor’s office, or at citywide affiliates for hospitalization, rehabilitation or diagnostics.